Monday, June 27, 2011

Weiss Lake 50 yr Celebration

Join us on Saturday, July 2nd at Liberty Day in Cedar Bluff. Help us celebrate the 50 year anniversary of Weiss Lake and Weiss Dam. Program under the Town Park Pavilion begining at 10:15. Sponsored by Alabama Power. Recognizition of current and past empolyees of Weiss Dam, History and Economic Impact presentation of Weiss Lake, giveaways, cake and water. Also a special presentation in memory of Mr F.C. Weiss, former Alabama Power Engineer and name sake of Weiss Lake.

Liberty Day is an all day event in the Cedar Bluff Town Park with vendors, entertainment, games, inflatables, antique cars and tractors and lots of food. The annual Fireworks show begins at 9pm with live music broadcast on WEIS Radio 990AM and 100.5FM

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Chamber Monthly Breakfast

Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce
Monthly Breakfast & Networking Opportunity

Thursday, June 16th - 8am
at the Chamber Meeting Room

Guest Speaker: Scott Bolton
Site Manager Volunteer Army Ammunition Plant
and Fort McClellan
Fort McClellan Credit Union, Chairman of the Board

Topic: Volkswagen Plant, Chattanooga, TN
Economic Impact for TN, AL, and GA

Please RSVP by 06-14-2011 to 256-927-8455 or